Week 11: Thinking through the lens / Social Design (ART717)
Week beginning: 13th December2022 Thinking through the lens / Social Design / Individual Tutorials Artist Tool Kit Analysis and breakdown...
Week 11: Thinking through the lens / Social Design (ART717)
Week 10: Studio Practice / StudioMADE (ART717)
Week 9: Formative Feedback (ART717)
Week 8: Time, Film & Language / Narrative and Sequence / Books: more than cover and paper (ART717)
Week 7: Concepts, Contexts and Practice (PLACE) (ART717)
Week 6: Presentations & Book Binding (ART717)
Week 5: Enrichment Week (ART717)
Week 4: The Design Process / Statement of Intent (ART717)
Week 3: Multi / Inter / Transdisciplinary Practice / Sketchbooks / Tutorials (ART717)
Week 2: Tŷ Pawb & Useful Artspace (ART717)
Week 1: Module Launch / Handbook / Scheme of work / Timetable (ART717)