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Week 11: Educational Visit (ART723)

Updated: May 14, 2023

Week Beginning: 18th April 2023

Educational Visits

Having spent a few weeks on placement at Thetford Forest and planning an additional few weeks this month, I unfortunately didn't have the funds nor time to conduct an additional educational visit. I did however take this opportunity to research and explore the different sculptures and art trails that have taken place through out the forest through out the years. My favourite being the sculptures designed and created by Tom Piper and Lisa Wright in a series titled 'Future Forest'

The forest was home to this sculpture trail from 2019-2021 and featured 10 life-size sculptures based on classical themes. Two of these sculptures are still present within the forest at the time of writing this, and its amazing to see how the environment has grown and interacted with the piece over time. Especially comparing and contrasting images of the sculptures when they were first installed VS what they look like now. They really stop visitors in their tracks, the beauty of the figures and the drama that they bring to the landscape is breathtaking.

'Future Forest', developed as part of Forestry England’s centenary celebrations in 2019. Is a dramatic sculptural installation designed by artistic director Tom Piper MBE. And presents life-size sculptural figures created by the internationally renowned artist Lisa Wright.

The artists present the characters as the guardians of the forest. Responsible for protecting it for the benefit of future generations. They illustrate the vital role that trees play. Woods in the safeguard of the future of our planet. Their juvenile shapes align them with the next generation. Whose role must be to continue to protect our forests.

“This sculpture journey will stop visitors to the Thetford forest on their tracks. Both for the beauty of the characters and for the drama that the installations bring to the landscape. ”

- PK Khaira-Creswell, Director of the Centennial Program of the Forestry Commission.


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