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Week 12: Summative Assessments (ART724)

Updated: May 12

Summative Assessments (ART724)

Week Beginning 7th May 2024


Throughout this module, I intended to showcase a portfolio of pieces displaying my knowledge and progression regarding the environmental issue, Deforestation. I intended to showcase a range of experimental pieces on a much larger scale using techniques I haven’t previously explored. Alongside this I intended to create and develop a presentation and possibly a series of compositional works about forests. It became clear to me throughout the design planning stage that i was to stick firmly within the field of forestry given the vast amount of imagery and knowledge i had collected whilst on placement at Thetford Forest last year. It seemed a shame to me to waste an opportunity to experiment with this knowledge and to take this theme further from a creative aspect.

Here, i have attached some photographs of the ideas and design planning stages of the project, exploring possible ways in which i could experiment this module.

I accomplished the intended tasks by using various methods. Using both practical and theoretical knowledge to progress.


Similar to last year, i continued Researching Into the subject using critical studies of practices, historical studies, and past collections etc. This included artist research, both primary and secondary research and imagery, (Mostly primary in this project). Researching Through performing the acts of experimental drawing and mark making as processes, developing ideas and works along with experimentation with differing media. This experimentation took place in the form of charcoal drawings, ink drawings and on location perspective landscape drawings as well as the occasional photography session.

As documented within my blog, I began by sketching and responding creatively to my initial found research. I originally had the idea of creating pieces reflecting the textures of tree bark and the contrasts in rough and smooth surfaces. As previously mentioned, I had the opportunity to participate in an extended placement at Thetford Forest in which I explored various drawing techniques and artists workshops taking place outdoors.


Researching For, collecting source materials and acquiring techniques and skills to produce outcomes. (Gathering both primary and secondary research and attending workshops).


I have demonstrated my development and progression through the presence of an online blog/WordPress. And visual progression is to be stored within sketchbooks and workbooks throughout the year as evidence. These will be coherent and available for referencing as and where necessary.


Methods of working: Studio work, workshops, research visits, trips to galleries and exhibitions, creative/critical writing, location drawing, fieldtrips, WordPress, (Blog updates)


Outcomes: Presentation and series of experimental works about forests.



Thetford Forest Placement 2024

Over the past couple of weeks, I had an amazing opportunity to volunteer with Forestry England within the vicinity of Thetford Forest. Having worked with Thetford Forest previously I feel I have a connection with the location, and this has informed my practice in terms of creating emotion and atmosphere within my compositions. I have previously worked with this team at Thetford collaborating with researchers regarding deforestation within UK Forests, using scientific process such as Landsat images and satellite imagery and responding to this research creatively, this placement has been slightly different in terms of it being purely creative and an opportunity to express myself with other likeminded individuals, which I did not experience previously.

Following on from the most recent formative and summative feedback, it became apparent that in order for my work and my practice to achieve the impact I intended I had to scale up my way of working and be more present on location, drawing form perspective in real time. I have achieved this by attending several artist workshops which entailed being present on location within the forest and using found materials and items to incorporate texture and feeling into the pieces I will be creating.


Artist Workshops

I took part in several artist workshops whilst visiting Thetford Forest as well as self-directed study exploring the forest individually. One artist workshop I took interest in one workshop hosted by artist Sue Martin. Sue Martin is an artist with over 30 years experience working in a range of different media focusing on arts and cultural heritage. The practical workshops use drawing, painting, mark making and mixed media.


Larger Scaled Charcoal Pieces

Life Drawing Classes

I enrolled in a weekly life drawing class which enabled me to study both the female and male nude in detail, and capture this detail using a range of artistic medias, including Water colour, charcoal, pencil, pen and ink. These classes helped me learn and grasp the concept of perspective and angle and aloud me to express myself more loosely using 5/10 and 15 minute sketching techniques. Above are a few examples.

ART724 Presentation 2024

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