Reading- Between Exhibition and Exposition (ART727)
Week Beginning: 11th June 2024
What are the differences between exhibition and exposition models? In what ways do exhibition & exposition embody the research? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
Reading: Krysa, J. (2020) ‘Exhibitionary Practices at the Intersection of Academic Research and Public Display’, in Rito, C & Balaskas, B. (Eds) Institution As Praxis: New Curatorial Directions for Collaborative Research. Berlin, Sternberg Press. (pp.62-75)
Task 1:
Read the essay attached and as you read, take notes on your thoughts, reactions, questions, and areas you'd like to discuss further. Come prepared to share and discuss your notes during the reading group session. when you are reading consider what are the key ideas or arguments being made about the relationship between exhibitions and research
1. Research Example
Find and briefly analyse one example of an exhibition or curatorial project that you believe functioned as a form of "enacted research" itself, rather than just a display of existing research. Summarize in 2-3 paragraphs how the exhibition's design, display strategies, experiential elements, etc. were integral to the knowledge production and proposition being made.
The Look Climate Lab 2024 is a prime example of how an exhibition can function as a form of enacted research, rather than just conveying and displaying current research on the ever growing problem of climate change in has invented a new immersive way of reaching the viewer in a much subtler way, Both informing and educating onlookers through the use of photography which can be a very relevant and powerful medium when talking about climate change.
A prime example of this was Strange Eden by Mario Popham. Popham through a combination of photographs and use of site-specific materials and processes like coal and rust created a series of works which asked us to consider the complicated beauty and history of postindustrial green spaces vs our actions towards the climate and how we as a species might rectify our mistakes and re connect with our environment. This in itself opens up a conversation not only between individuals but within ourselves on what we can do individually to combat climate change as well as collectively.
The exhibitions design and layout is simplistic and spread out allowing the viewers to move freely between displays, creating easy access to individual stories and issues in regards to climate change. The overall atmosphere within the gallery is that of a somber mood.
2. Prospect for Opportunities/Tensions
Based on the excerpt's suggestion of both opportunities and challenges at the "intersection of academic research and public display", prospectively outline 3-4 potential opportunities and 3-4 potential tensions/challenges this intersection creates for research-driven exhibition making.
Information has to be correct and coherent
Informative and not offensive
Mindful of audience, is it appropriate or not?
Research is cited correctly and sources are referenced
The appropriate organisations or collaborators are mentioned
Further collaboration
Raising awareness of said issues and/or research
Engagement with targeted audience